People in business attire walking in a modern office hallway.

The current market is one of uncertainty and rapid change, with the UK preparing to exit the EU in March 2019, and November’s IMF update on the UK’s economic outlook stating that growth has moderated since the 2016 referendum. This has shifted the UK to near the bottom of the G7 growth leagues with growth forecasted at 1.5% for the coming years. It may therefore seem surprising that the UK’s employment rate has hit new historic highs. As candidate availability declines, and wage growth increases, it is unsurprising that organisations remain challenged by their recruitment processes.

CEOs recognise that top talent is fundamental to the success of growth and transformation strategies, which aim to extract higher productivity in a market with an uncertain economic outlook and technology disrupting routes to markets, and customer interaction.

In order to assess the sentiment of professionals in the market, we surveyed over 160 senior executives to find out what their push and pull factors were when considering a new job opportunity. This has enabled us to identify the challenges and opportunities that organisations are facing when attracting, hiring, and retaining high calibre people. It has also allowed us to compare the results from our 2016 survey which was conducted prior to the Brexit decision.

To find out what senior executives are looking for and what is driving to explore their options, download the full report below.

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